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How Does Single-Use Ureteroscope Imagery Stack Up?


Single-use ureteroscope imagery that rivals or surpasses that of reusables gives urologists a reliable alternative to manage rising caseloads, especially when coupled with the accessibility and cost-effectiveness that disposable versions offer.

Although single-use ureteroscopes have been around just over a dozen years, image quality has advanced during that time as they compete against reusables, which can be both expensive and fragile.

“Compared with their reusable counterparts, single-use flexible ureteroscopes have similar digital performance (270 degrees), image quality and we found no difference in the success and complication rates,” researchers wrote in  the Journal of Pediatric Urology.

An aging population, plus rising cases of obesity and poor diet, have prompted increased ureterscope usage to treat patients with urinary stones, and image quality is one of the attributes making single-use scopes a good option.

There has been an unprecedented rise in urinary stone disease worldwide, but an especially dramatic increase among children, adolescents and young women —a shift from the older men typically impacted, according to a study in Frontiers in Medicine.

“Numerous publications have demonstrated that single-use flexible ureteroscopes (su-fURS) are comparable to reusable fURS on image quality, maneuverability, deflection and flow, and they have the advantage of being lighter, not needing maintenance nor sterilization,” according to a study in the Central European Journal of Urology.

What Are User Experiences and Feedback on Ambu Single-Use Ureteroscopes?

Ambu’s scope attained high ratings across all categories vs. the physicians’ current platforms — largely a hybrid of single-use and reusables, in a study presented at ISPOR.

Of those surveyed, 86 percent used both single-use and reusables. About 7 percent solely use single-use and the same percentage used only reusables.

Single-use ureteroscopes need no repairs or reprocessing, removing the risk of scope damage or degradation. Procedural delays or disrupted workflow due to scope availability issues also evaporate.

How Does Ambu’s Innovation in Ureteroscope Technology Benefit Urologists?

Here are some features that Ambu offers in advanced imaging in single-use ureteroscopes:

  • Full-HD LCD monitor for excellent imaging
  • Advanced image processing, adaptive light control and true colors
  • Take images and record videos at the touch of a button on aBox 2

Now is the time to try Ambu’s single-use endoscopy technology for urology. Harness the advantage of integrating single-use ureteroscopes in your urological work.